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15th Aug 2011
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Suppliment IER
May-July 2011
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The India Economy Review ISSUE DATE
15th Aug 2011
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Call For Papers
    2/1/2011 10:44:21 PM

  The IER is a quarterly journal featuring contents of academic and professional interest that are of utility to managers, policy makers, politicians, consultants, teachers and students in the areas of Economics and Management. It is a multidisciplinary platform for sharing and disseminating knowledge in the issues of education, health, poverty, unemployment, agriculture, industry, service, FDI, international trade, infrastructure and environment, pertaining to Indian economy. We passionately believe in the credo that we constantly seek to follow: rethink, edify and delineate. This enduring commitment has helped us foster and broaden the parameters of public policy debate and alternatives. Toward that goal, we strive to achieve greater involvement of the intelligent, concerned change agents (reform minded politicians, public servants, academicians, socially responsible firms, civil society organizations and citizens) in questions of policy and the ideation. In order to further augment value and provision a broad perspective to Indian economic problems, your knowledge and expertise in the above mentioned fields would be highly valuable to The IER. We would like the possibility of receiving a write-up from you, on a topic of your expertise and interest as per the under-mentioned guidelines.



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